Jarrod Murphy

About Jarrod

‘Hi. How are you? I’m fine thanks.’

Some Books and Reading Material I like:

Running With Scissors by Augusten Burroughs – Very funny and bizarre account of a young person’s upbringing.

East Of Eden by John Steinbeck – Very long winded novel that really doesn’t lead anywhere but the language is very addictive.

New Scientist Magazine – Did you know that Space is running out of space?

National Geographic Magazine – Not just naked Africans running around.

Some Music I Like:

Jellyfish – Bellybutton (1990) – Fantastic song writing with awesome vocal delivery.
Spilt Milk (1993) – They took it one step futher with arrangements and instrumentation.

XTC – Oranges and Lemons (1989). Nonsuch (1992) – Both these albums changed my life. Pop song writing prowess at its best. So many bands have borrowed from XTC who in turn had borrowed from so many others.

Doves – Lost Souls (2000) – Never seem to get sick of this great piece of work. Seems to suit all moods.

Queen – A Night At the Opera (1975) – Just how many overdubs can one band fit onto an album? Well, this many.

There is definitely a theme going on here.

I have played in other bands over the years. Namely – The Cops (2006 to current), Pelican Jed (1990 to 1995), SMLXL (1995 to 1998).

Some People I Like:

My Wife Kristy and My Daughter Sloane – My life, happiness and everything.

Ricky Gervais (and Steve Merchant)– Just pure genius in every way. Responsible for my favourite TV shows and I find myself listening to the podcasts over and over. The inane ramblings of Karl Pilkington always make me smile. I also really like his stances on religion and politics.

Sir David Attenborough – created some of the most mesmerizing wild life doco’s ever created. His passion and love for life is very inspiring.

Some Internet Links I like to look at:

www.homestarrunner.com - A glimpse into a strange little world of animated characters: Homestar, Strongbad and many others. Gives me a weekly giggle.

www.hubblesite.org - Think you’ve seen it all? Think again. Every dot in the night sky is not a dot at all.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OysFITQiSTw - Link to Part 1 of ‘Loose Change’, a Documentary on the September 11 2001 twin towers attacks. Just accept that government’s cannot be trusted. If only 5% of this doco is true, we have been blatantly lied to. Methinks it’s a lot more than 5%.

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